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How healthy are dates?

How healthy are dates?
  The antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins in dates help support brain, digestive, and heart health and protect against disease. Some evidence suggests that dates may help ease natural labor. You can use dates as a sweetener in recipes for smoothies or oatmeal or eat them as is.
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What are called dates?

What are called dates?
  Dates are the fruit of the date palm tree, which is grown in many tropical regions of the world. Dates have become quite popular in recent years. Almost all dates sold in Western countries are dried. You can tell whether or not dates are dried based on their appearance.
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Why do people like saffron?

Why do people like saffron?
It's an especially popular addition to grains like rice or flavorful curries. Its earthy and slightly sweet flavor adds a unique zest that makes you crave more and more. Adding it to your cooking results in a beautiful golden color that makes for an eye-popping presentation
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What is interesting about saffron?

What is interesting about saffron?
  Saffron has an impressive shelf life. It can retain its aroma for more than two years when stored properly (in a cool, dark place). The "red gold" improves memory! Recent studies have shown that saffron extract, especially the crocin contained in it, is useful in treating age-related mental disorders.
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What is so special about saffron?

What is so special about saffron?
  Saffron is a brightly-colored spice that's high in health-promoting compounds, such as carotenoid antioxidants. Research findings suggest saffron has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects and may improve heart health, reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, improve sleep, and protect eye health.  
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